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Bean To Bar Chocolates

12 items total





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12 items to display
Georgia Ramon LB 0024 square.jpg
Bean To Bar

Cherries and blackberries, with a touch of spiced cream, those are the flavours of the Jolomijix cocoa from the edge of the Sierra de las Minas National Park, an unique UNESCO...

Code: 4326
Georgia Ramon LB 0031 square.jpg
Bean To Bar

Milk chocolate with hazelnuts, refined with gently roasted nuts. That is an ideal combination and this one is simply top quality.

Code: 4311
Naive kefir 800x800 1
Bean To Bar

This chocolate bar has been enriched with creamy kefir. Its typical and somewhat sour taste stretches the envelope of chocolate flavours to a whole new dimension.

Code: 4284
Georgia Ramon Brasil 60 front 800x800 1

This dark milk chocolate is a perfect example of why earthy Brazilian cocoa and sweet creamy milk are considered by many to be heavenly game.    

Code: 2788
49129 BLX Chocolate con Leche 42 Congo ECO 1
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Organická mléčná čokoláda vyrobená z kakaa Forastero z Konga.

Code: 2173
175388949 origpic 9af631
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Kakaové boby se pěstují v údolí Sambirano na Madagaskaru na rodinném panství Bertila Åkessona. Čokoláda je ovocná a krémová, s tóny karamelu. Bean To Bar

Code: 2144
175386163 origpic 6cfce2
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Zelené kopce regionu Idukki v Indii v kombinaci se severským mlékem dodávají čokoládě tóny sladkého ovoce, mléka a smetany. Bean To Bar

Code: 2143
175388955 origpic 248695
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Použité kakao pochází ze sítě přibližně 1 500 drobných zemědělců. Čokoláda má toastový a sladový charakter s karamelovými tóny. Bean To Bar

Code: 2142