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Bean To Bar Chocolates


Georgia Ramon LB 0078 square.jpg
Georgia Ramon Carolina Reaper Chilli 70%
Currently unavailable - we will specify the date
Code: 2186
72% Bean To Bar tmavá čokoláda - Jamajka
GR Haiti 80 front
4 items total





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4 items to display
Original Beans chocolate Esmeraldas 2023 FRONT jpg 1024x1024
Bean To Bar
Code: 4625
Naive peanut butter 800x800 1
Bean To Bar

This 42% milk chocolate is soft and creamy and melts in your mouth, freeing aromas of sweet caramel and buttery cocoa. The temptation to eat this bar all in one go is almost too...

Code: 4266
49129 BLX Chocolate con Leche 42 Congo ECO 1
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Organická mléčná čokoláda vyrobená z kakaa Forastero z Konga.

Code: 2173