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Bean To Bar Chocolates, Page 6


Zachraň čokoládu - 55-100% Tmavá čokoláda
€8,78 –54 %
Was: €8,78  (–54 %)
Georgia Ramon LB 0078 square.jpg
Georgia Ramon Carolina Reaper Chilli 70%
Currently unavailable - we will specify the date
Code: 2186
133 items total





Percentage of cocoa

133 items to display
Madagascar Sambirano 70
Bean To Bar

Tmavá čokoláda z Madagaskaru oblast Sambirano s obsahem 70% kakaa  100g

Code: 2233
Bolivie Ekeko 70
Bean To Bar

Tmavá čokoláda z Bolívie oblat Ekeko s obsahem 70% kakaa  100g

Code: 2230
GR Sea Salt
Bean To Bar

Tmavá čokoláda 70% s vločkami mořské soli

Code: 2226
95 PNG
Single Origin Bean To Bar

Tree to Bar

Code: 2224
Cusco 100 Bars Original Beans 1 1024x1024 kopie
Code: 2220
Georgia Ramon LB 0078 square.jpg
Tip Single Origin Bean To Bar
Georgia Ramon Carolina Reaper Chilli 70%
Currently unavailable - we will specify the date
Code: 2186
Blanxart Peru – Alto Piura 77% BIO
Single Origin Bean To Bar

This 77% organic dark chocolate is made from hand-selected cocoa beans of the Criollo variety originating from the Alto Piura region of Peru. A beautifully rounded chocolate...

Code: 2182
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